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New Innovations In Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatments

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Rheumatoid arthritis is a serious medical condition that not only causes significant pain and discomfort, but also leads to the degeneration of bones and cartilage in the joints. While this inflammatory condition does not have a cure, there are treatments available to help an affected person manage the condition and reduce the prevalence and severity of symptoms. However, there is always room for improvement in rheumatoid arthritis treatment. Get to know some of the newest innovations in treatment so that you can be sure that you get the best treatment for your rheumatoid arthritis now and in the future.

Bispecific Prescription Drugs

Currently, the primary medical treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is through the use of prescription drugs that are designed to block one type of protein or receptor. These monospecific medications can help reduce symptoms and slow the progress of rheumatoid arthritis. However, this is not always a long-lasting effect.

Many patients develop a resistance to these monospecific medications, meaning that they no longer work to block out those proteins or receptors. A new novel approach to treating rheumatoid arthritis can help patients suffering from this resistance to monospecific medications and can help to more effectively treat the condition overall.

This is known as a bispecific monoclonal antibody treatment. Bispecific monoclonal antibody treatment refers to the fact that the medication can target more than one protein or receptor at the same time. Such a treatment could potentially revolutionize treatments for rheumatoid arthritis, leading to more effective pain relief and treatment overall. The first of these bispecific monoclonal antibody treatments known as BCD-121 is set to soon enter the first stage of clinical trials.

Stem Cell Treatments

In recent years, stem cell treatments have grown leaps and bounds in terms of their widespread applications and the medical understanding of how these treatments can be effective in the body. Rheumatoid arthritis patients may also benefit from stem cell therapies.

New developments in treatment for rheumatoid arthritis involve infusion treatments (intravenous injections) of a compound derived from stem cells (known clinically as MPC-300-IV). This treatment is designed to block what are known as inflammatory pathways that are activated by rheumatoid arthritis, which means that the treatment simultaneously blocks several inflammatory proteins and receptors from being activated.

While this infusion treatment is still in clinical trials, it has shown great promise in not only reducing and relieving symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis but also disrupting the disease activity within the body. This stem cell infusion therapy is poised to become a primary treatment method for rheumatoid arthritis in the future, if the results of all clinical trials are as positive as the current ones.

Now that you know more about some of the current innovations in rheumatoid arthritis treatment, you can be sure that you keep up with these and other new and developing treatment options. This will help to ensure that you get the best treatment possible going forward. For more information, contact institutions like Idaho Arthritis Center.
