Chronic back pain is a very debilitating condition. It often prevents those who have it from holding down a job, caring for their family, or enjoying life. However, spine pain clinics offer a variety of different treatments that can help patients gain control of their back pain and return to a sense of normalcy in their lives. These are some of the various types of treatments that pain specialists provide for back pain patients at a spine pain clinic.…
If your kindergartner wears hearing aids, it’s time to prepare them for school. This may be the first time your child’s been in social settings without you. That means you’ll need to make sure they’re ready for potential problems that might pop up. Here are four tips that will help you avoid hearing aid problems during school this year.
Prepare Your Child for Questions
If your child is heading to kindergarten this year, prepare them for questions.…
When you suffer from a minor illness or injury, you can wait to see your doctor during normal business hours. However, if you’re in a bad accident or you suddenly become very ill, a hospital may be your best chance at getting the care you need. Some people choose to drive themselves to the hospital, but that’s not always the wisest decision. In many cases, it’s prudent to call an ambulance instead.…